Microsoft Office Worth It

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  1. Is Microsoft Office 2019 Worth It
  2. Microsoft Office Worth It
  3. How Much Is Microsoft Worth
  • Office in general is fine. It has it’s bugs, has it’s quirks, but it works and works well. The key difference between standard Office and O365 is the move from capital expenditure to operational expenditure.
  • Office 365 is well worth the price if you find that Office Home & Student or Office Professional are a bit too expensive. In Microsoft’s bold move to create a new vision for Office that addresses.
  • Office 365 brings together a variety of Microsoft services like email, excel, powerpoint and productivity tools together into the cloud and provides storage using Microsoft OneDrive. It comes in multiple versions which are home, business, enterprise, government, non-profit and education versions aimed at widening their market focus.
  • Is Office 15 Worth It? Despite its lack of imagination with the cloud technology and the inability to use fullscreen, there’s a lot to be said about how much it can do. The amount of features added and the incredibly snazzy interface make Office 15 definitely worthwhile against Office 2010.

But in the case of Office 365, the benefits you’ll get from making a move that is delightfully easy are without a doubt worth the commitment. Here are just a few very good reasons to upgrade to Office 365: 1. Everything You Need for Improved Office Productivity and Collaboration Under One Umbrella.


Subscription models are all the rage. As someone who tries to make a living online, I totally understand the appeal. Subscriptions -- like like my own -- are what keep sites and services available.

Some people react negatively to an ongoing commitment. I get that too.

The problem? Their reaction prevents them from noticing that some subscriptions are cheaper than their single purchase alternatives.

Like Microsoft Office.

Also this week

It's better than it used to be, but installing, installing, and installing more, and more, and more inevitably leads to a unstable computer.

You get a brand new machine. It has Windows 10. Can you install Windows 7? That's a definite maybe.

OK, Boomer. Set aside the grump, set aside the fear, set aside the complaints: it's time to take technology head on.

Thanks for being here!!

Is a Microsoft Office Subscription Worth It?

What's this business with renting software? It might be fine for businesses, but I can't afford to pay every year for the foreseeable future. Is it that much better that the payment is worthwhile?

When Microsoft introduced Office 365 as an annual subscription rather than a one-time purchase, I had the same reaction.

Then I did the math.

It turns out it's a really good deal.

Continue Reading: Is a Microsoft Office Subscription Worth It?

Does Installing Many Programs Destabilize My Computer?

I try to limit the number of programs I install on my system. I do this because I feel intuitively that the more programs I install, the more quickly Windows reaches that corrupted state that we all know too well, and has to be reinstalled from scratch. I really could make good use of quite a number of programs I don't have installed, but I worry about hastening corruption. I do assume that I can load as many portable applications as I like without worry. Am I on the right track? Or is my thinking just incorrect?

In theory, installing lots of different programs shouldn't destabilize the system, regardless of how they're installed.

Reality, on the other hand, says otherwise.

The real answer is, it depends more on the specific software you install then how you install it.

Continue Reading: Does Installing Many Programs Destabilize My Computer?

Can I Install Windows 7 on a Machine that Comes with Windows 10?

I would like to purchase one of the now very nominally-priced Windows 10 machines without a touch screen or a desktop, uninstall Windows 10, and then do a fresh install of Windows 7. Can this be done, or does one have to remove the hard drive and install Windows 7 from a clean hard drive?

You don't have to remove the hard drive. If this is going to work, you'll simply overwrite everything on the hard drive.

There are, however, a few problems you may run into if you go down this path.

Continue Reading: Can I Install Windows 7 on a Machine that Comes with Windows 10?

OK, Boomer: Why Computer Literacy Matters to You

Years ago, I used to say that while I worked hard to learn the skills I needed to be successful with technology — loving every minute of it, by the way — those behind me would have an advantage I never had: they'd be steeped in what we'd call computer literacy almost from birth.

As technology advanced and has become pervasive, it's clear I wasn't wrong. Those generations take technology for granted, and leverage it without a second thought.

Those of my generation (I'm a proud “boomer”) and older are left needing to work to stay on top of it all.

Not only do I think that's a good thing, I think it's critical.

Continue Reading: OK, Boomer: Why Computer Literacy Matters to You

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Microsoft office 365 worth it

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Should NYC and Long Island Schools Invest In Microsoft Office 365?

Teachers play a central role in our educational development, as well as our mental, emotional, and social well-being. When you consider everything that a teacher does to prepare and execute lessons to dozens of students throughout the day, it only makes sense to provide them with the tools that allow them to perform their job well.

Microsoft Office 365 offers a wide range of digital tools that are perfect for teachers. And best of all, they’re free. Below, we look at seven reasons why Microsoft Office 365 is a benefit for both teachers and students in the classroom.

Is Microsoft Office 2019 Worth It

1. The Office 365 App Suite

Many of the apps in Office 365 are well-suited to meet the needs of teachers, giving them a powerful online platform to share with their students in the classroom. Microsoft 365 allows students to learn collectively or individually in any setting. Some of the most popular apps include:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft Teams

2. The Office 365 Cloud Platform

These days it’s almost impossible to operate on a large scale without utilizing the cloud. The Office 365 subscription gives teachers, and students access to a scalable cloud platform where they can share files, use the same applications, and collaborate on projects together.

One of the great features of using the cloud is that teachers have unlimited storage. When teaching dozens of students in multiple classrooms, having one centralized location to store all the data saves time and money.

3. Auto Updates

Microsoft Office Worth It

Manually updating all of your hardware and software can be time-consuming. It also requires a bit of technical savvy that you may not possess. Microsoft solves this issue by auto-updating all software in the cloud platform. This means that you no longer have to update or maintain the software yourself manually. It is like having built-in education IT services.

4. Office 365 Trains Students for the Business World

Microsoft 365 teaches students a wide range of skills that they can use in the business world. Whether putting together a report, creating a PowerPoint presentation, or communicating with someone in a video conference, students can learn valuable soft skills that make them more attractive to recruiters in the job market.

5. Global Interaction

The cloud platform allows students and teachers to communicate, correspond, and collaborate with other students and teachers across the country or around the world. Students can work on Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, or publish a project. With 365, there is no need to manually update any document, as all data is auto-updated in real time as students input new information. Teachers can now tutor their students online from any remote location with live feeds.

6. Microsoft Office 365 is Free

Thanks to Office’s free service, teachers can now remove the software from their list of budgetary considerations for the upcoming school year. This allows them to allocate their funding somewhere else. While schools have the option of paying for additional services, the baseline free package is impressive: Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Yammer.

7. Data Control and Security

How Much Is Microsoft Worth

Since teacher and student information is always an issue, Microsoft takes care of that by offering a secure environment for everyone to work. Teachers can create their level of access within a platform that already comes with spam and malware protection. Schools can have peace of mind knowing that Microsoft offers 24-hour remote monitoring and threat management.

Education IT Services in New York

To find out more about the benefits and features of Microsoft 365, contact Network Outsource. We offer education IT services for schools and businesses in New York. To find out more, call us today at 516-488-5888.